Acute Porphyria Drug Database

J01DC02 - Cefuroxime
Propably not porphyrinogenic

Conflicting references Not metabolised. No data pointing to CYP-interaction. Some clinical experience of non-porphyrinogenicity.
Chemical description
Parenteral cephalosporin antibiotic used (up to 1.5 g x 3) eg in bacterial pneumonia, upper urinary tract infection and several other cono dataitions. Not significantly metabolized. Mainly excreted in unchanged form in urine. No data pointing to CYP affinity. South African list: use with caution . French list: avoid. Australian list: unsafe, conflicting evidence. Martindale: Cefuroxime is considered unsafe in patiets with porphyria although there is conflicting experimental evidence of porphyrinogenicity. Drug Consult: safe Andersson: Used a few times witout side effects.
IPNet drug reports
Uneventful use reported in 10 patients with acute porphyria.

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