R03BA02 - Budesonide |
Not porphyrinogenic |
NP |
Inducer of 3A5. Probably quantitatively insignificant metabolic exposure Several references stating non-porphyrinogenicity of glucocorticoids. Significant clinical experience of non-porphyrinogenicity.
Chemical description
Corticosteroide in inhalation aerosol (50 ug/dose)l, used in treatment of asthma. Systemic bioavailability about 26 %. Metabolized by CYP 3A4. C.Andersson, patient reports: tolerated (n=8). Used in porphyria ward (Sweden). glucocorticoids EPI-list: safe South African list: use Kalman, Bonkowski: safe The Merck Manual: safe Tschudy DP, Lamon JM: Porphyrin metabolism and the porphyrias, in Bondy PK, Rosenberg LE (eds.): Duncans Diseases of Metabolism. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1980, p939: safe Moore MR, Hift RJ: Drugs in the acute porphyrias. Cell Mol Biol 43:89, 1997: safe
IPNet drug reports
Uneventful use reported in 21 patients with acute porphyria.
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